SynOption Pte. Ltd. is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore as a Recognized Market Operator (“RMO”) to operate an organised market as defined under Part 1 of the First Schedule to Securities and Futures Act 2001. (the ‘Organised Market’).
This recognition as an RMO is restricted to the operations of the “Optimus” Platform, in exercise of the powers conferred to MAS under section 9(1)(b) of the SFA with effect from 31 December 2020. The Optimus platform is also exempt from Swap Execution Facility (“SEF”) registration requirements of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”).
The “Synchro” Platform is a separate trading platform which is established and operated by SynOption Technologies Pte. Ltd. and is not a regulated platform by the MAS. Please refer here for additional disclosures: Additional Risk Disclosures for PTD.