Additional Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading in Payment Token Derivatives (“PTDs”)

Cryptocurrencies and their derivatives are volatile products with a high risk of losing money quickly. Therefore, trading in derivatives is not appropriate for all the investors. You cannot engage in trading on Synchro unless you meet the onboarding requirements of SynOption Technologies Pte. Ltd.

Payment token derivatives are not regulated by the MAS. Hence, the safeguards afforded under MAS’ regulatory framework may not apply to you while dealing with unregulated products, which means, should things go awry, you may not be able to recover your money, and you would not be protected by MAS’ regulations. It is therefore crucial that you fully understand the risks involved before deciding to deal with payment token derivatives.

You should always carefully consider whether dealing in payment token derivatives are consistent with your risk tolerance, investment objectives, investment experience, financial condition and personal circumstances and other considerations that may be relevant to you. You should carefully consider the products’ features, risk factors, fees and expenses before investing.

You should keep yourself informed and be aware of the trading risks generally, and in particular, the following (Please note that below statements are not exhaustive):